Monday, May 10, 2010


well mother's day was a day. it was nice but way busier than I wanted. I wanted to take a long nap but I think Patrick's mom enjoyed having us over so that was a nice mother's day.I had a good radio show. I tried using my new program for rhapsody on my laptop and i really like it. I wish my laptop had a longer battery time. i planted some mini tomato plants, sweet peas and bell peppers along with our growing lettuce in the back yard. I hope they all grow well. I have a strawberry pot out front too. I find gardening very calming. I like the thought of providing our own produce with no additives or spending way too much money for organic. anyway, still looking for a part time job. I have not stopped doing lucky cat but am on hiatus for now. It is really too much for me to put all my heart and soul into it the way i want. I have too much responsibilities with keenan, patrick and the dog and cat. Hopefully when keenan starts school next year i can focus a little more on what I really want to do for a career. I had a thought yesterday, to be a children's d.j., expand on cottleston pie. really, i would like to be able to someday have cottleston pie get picked up by a larger station, but I have a lot of voicework and production tightening to do to be able to do that. well, that is what has been on my mind. I need to work on the compilaltion soon. I have about six artists for sure and need to work on sponsors and funding more. i think i am becoming boring. well, more later. :)

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